Dear Love

Dear Love,

You have come in so many forms. You have tested me and in some ways I failed. But I have become a fighter because of your challenging tests. To question my grade or ask for a do over is not in my nature. So, love, recognize that. Recognize that I know it’s not my time to ace the test and that I’m not giving up on your power, your passion, your possibilities. Please continue to find yourself in other parts of my life-in friendships, in family, in my sense of humor, in every gift that I know you have something to do with. And one day, when you find my other half, make him worthy of all that I am because of the combined efforts of you and your partners —patience, standards, optimism, integrity and even your foils—hurt, temptation and loneliness. All of these have made me the woman I am today and have built a woman more solid and steady than I have ever been before.





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